EDU-Skts-A perfect Solutions for School Management System

Our Standard School Management Software comprises 10 different modules. It is an expandable Software System. Further integration of modules can be added as per requirement. It is also called as ERP of School. This School ERP has been designed keeping in view the all the requirements of any Educational Institute. Nowadays, owing to increase in difficulties in manual management of an Educational Institute is a difficult task, out-of-date and prone to errors.

We are continuously updating our School Management software application for much better results by analyzing and implementing this application in different institutions.

The Complete Details Of each Moudle is listed Below So, pick any of these module as per your requiremnts and All the module have the functionality of Customization

These Module Manage all of your Pre-Admission Process, which Mainly handle the below operations.

  • Class Wise Prospectus Allocation.
  • Prospectus Sale/Return.
  • SMS Integrations on Sale of Prospectus (Optional).
  • Student Registration For Admission.
  • Interaction/Interview Results and Remarks Entry.
  • Student Selection for Admission.
  • Class Wise Prospectus Sales Summary.

These Module Manage all of your Admission Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Admission Voucher With Unique Identification.
  • Auto Fee Due as per Fee Chart.
  • Admission Fee Receipt.
  • SMS Integration on Receipt (Optional).
  • Annual Promotion To Next Session.
  • Student Register (Class Wise, Section, New Admission, Annually Promoted etc.) .
  • Required Document List with Scan Image Upload (DOB Certificate, Aadhar Card, Previous school Result etc.).
  • Pending Document List.
  • Admission Summary.

These Module Manage all of your Transportation Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Route Management.
  • Pickup/Drop Point Chart.
  • Transport Fee Chart.
  • Transport Route Allocation to Student.
  • Change of Transport.
  • Route Wise Student Lists.
  • Auto Fee Due with Tuition Fee.

These Module Manage all of your ID-Card Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Image Uploading Student Session Wise.
  • ID Card Format Basic.
  • Class Wise Student List with Images.
  • Photo Gallery of Student Session Wise.

These Module Manage all of your Student Profiling Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Student Basic Information Alteration (Audit Trail of Changes).
  • Parent’s Information With Image Uploading.
  • Change of Class.
  • Concession Marking (Auto Adjusted in Fee Receipt).
  • Student Status Alteration (Present, Stuck off, left Etc.).
  • Section & Roll no. Alteration.
  • Annual Physical data of Students (Height, Weight, Blood Group, Vision L-R Etc.).
  • Student Birthday List.
  • Customized Bulk SMS Facilities Class Wise.

These Module Manage all of your Attendance Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Study Day’s Chart.
  • Class Wise Daily Attendance (Absentees & On Leave Only).
  • Student Wise Monthly Attendance Profile.
  • Daily Attendance List (SMS Integration Optional).
  • Continues Absentees Summary.
  • Integration with Examination Modules & School Leaving Certificates.

These Module Manage all of your Fee Management Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Session Wise Fee Chart (Admission, Annual and Tuition Fee Chart.
  • Annual Fee Due.
  • Tuition Fee Due Voucher.
  • Concessional Student List.
  • Fee Receipt.
  • Provisional fee Receipt.
  • Final Fee Receipt Against provisional Receipt.
  • Provision Fee Refund.
  • Fee Wave off.
  • Fee Defaulter.
  • Fee Due and Receipt Summary.
  • Fee receipt Register.
  • Charges Wise Fee Receipt Register.
  • Concession Paid Register.
  • Wave-Off Register.
  • Student Fee Ledger Session Wise.
  • Provisional Fee Pending for Adjustment.

These Module Manage all of your Examination Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Subject Maser.
  • Subject Combination.
  • Subject Combination Allocation to Student Selection.
  • Examination Chart.
  • Report Card Format (Scholastic & Co-Scholastic).
  • Grading Chart.
  • Maximum Minimum Marks Chart.
  • Marks Feeding.
  • Award List (Blank or With Marks).
  • Term Wise Result Compilation.
  • Annual Result Compilation.
  • Term Wise Report Card.
  • Annual Report Card.
  • Annual Compilation Chart.

These Module Manage all of your Certificates Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • School Leaving.
  • Tuition Fee.
  • Character.
  • Bonafide.

These Module Manage all of your Library Process, which Mainly handle the below operations

  • Almira & Shelf Numbering.
  • Book Catalogue Feeding.
  • Book Shelfing.
  • Book Issue.
  • Book Receipt.
  • Pending Book to Receive.
  • Book Title Register.
  • Book Accession Register.
  • Book Accession BARCODE Printing.
  • Book Search.
  • BARCODE Integration While Issuing/Receiving of Book.

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